Tuesday, January 22, 2013

1 Nephi 9 & 10

1 Nephi 9
Nephi gives a rather confusing explanation about two different sets of “plates” or records that he is keeping. Basically he created the “large” plates of Nephi first, on which he intended to keep a full account of the history of his people, focusing on the secular details like the kings and the wars, etc.
What you are actually reading is from the “small” plates of Nephi which he made after the large plates because, “I have received a commandment of the Lord that I should make these plates, for the special purpose that there should be an account engraven of the ministry of my people (vs. 3).” These plates contain more of the preaching and the doctrine of Christ.
In vs. 5-6 Nephi says:
5 Wherefore, the Lord hath commanded me to make these plates for a wise purpose in him, which purpose I know not.
 6 But the Lord knoweth all things from the beginning; wherefore, he prepareth a way to accomplish all his works among the children of men; for behold, he hath all power unto the fulfilling of all his words.
Little does Nephi know that Joseph Smith, who translated the plates over 2000 years later would lose a portion of the “large” plates which Nephi had written first (actually, Joseph didn’t lose the plates but he lost the manuscript and was forbidden to re-translate it), and because Nephi had obeyed the Lord and re-wrote much of his history in the “small” plates, we still have Nephi’s account in the Book of Mormon. You can read about the lost manuscript pages here: http://eom.byu.edu/index.php/Manuscript,_Lost_116_Pages

1 Nephi 10
This chapter is a prophecy of the coming of Christ (vs. 4-10). Also look for references to John the Baptist, even though he isn’t mentioned by name. I love these kinds of chapters. I think it’s so cool to see so many important details of Christ’s life and His power and purpose that were revealed to prophets hundreds of years before His coming. The whole purpose of any prophet is to testify of Christ. This is mentioned later, in Helaman 8:22
 22 Our father Lehi was driven out of Jerusalem because he testified of these things. Nephi also testified of these things, and also almost all of our fathers, even down to this time; yea, they have testified of the coming of Christ, and have looked forward, and have rejoiced in his day which is to come.
I also love vs. 17-19 of this chapter. After hearing all these prophecies from his father, Nephi wants to know for himself if they are true. He teaches that any of us can receive answers from the Spirit of God (or the Holy Ghost—same thing) if we want to know something for ourselves. “He that diligently seeketh shall find”—and that applies today just as much as it applied in days of old. I know that is true! And I hope as you read the Book of Mormon who will ask God all along the way to show you if it is true. A “testimony” (or a belief or witness) of the Book of Mormon cannot come by any other way than answers from the Holy Ghost. And I really believe He will answer any and all sincere seekers of truth.
 17 And it came to pass after I, Nephi, having heard all the words of my father, concerning the things which he saw in a vision, and also the things which he spake by the power of the Holy Ghost, which power he received by faith on the Son of God—and the Son of God was the Messiah who should come—I, Nephi, was desirous also that I might see, and hear, and know of these things, by the power of the Holy Ghost, which is the gift of God unto all those who diligently seek him, as well in times of old as in the time that he should manifest himself unto the children of men.
 18 For he is the same yesterday, today, and forever; and the way is prepared for all men from the foundation of the world, if it so be that they repent and come unto him.
 19 For he that diligently seeketh shall find; and the mysteries of God shall be unfolded unto them, by the power of the Holy Ghost, as well in these times as in times of old, and as well in times of old as in times to come; wherefore, the course of the Lord is one eternal round.

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