Thursday, January 10, 2013

1 Nephi 3

The Lord commands Lehi in a dream that his sons should return to Jerusalem to get the brass plates, which contain the records of the prophets (basically they contain early-Old-Testament writings). It is important that Lehi’s family take the scriptures with them so they have the Word of God and to ‘preserve their language’ and also the record of their genealogy.

The problem is that a wicked man named Laban keeps the plates. The boys make 2 failed attempts at getting the plates from Laban. First Laman draws the “short straw” and goes in to ask Laban for the plates (Laman=Nephi’s oldest brother, Laban=keeper of the brass plates; confusing, I know). Laban accuses Laman of being a thief and throws him off his property. Next Nephi and brothers go to their old home in Jerusalem where they abandoned all their nice stuff, and they gather gold and silver and bring it to Laban to exchange for the brass plates. Laban tells his guards to kill the brothers, and they run for their lives and have to leave their treasures behind.

Laman and Lemuel are ticked at Nephi and at their father Lehi for sending them on this mission. They start to beat Nephi and Sam with a rod when an angel appears and tells them to stop. The angel tells them to go back to Jerusalem and the Lord will deliver Laban into their hands.

Best verse of this chapter:
 And it came to pass that I, Nephi, said unto my father: I will go and do the things which the Lord hath commanded, for I know that the Lord giveth no commandments unto the children of men, save he shall prepare a way for them that they may accomplish the thing which he commandeth them.
The Lord still commands us to do hard things today (not retrieving ancient records from greedy men, but perhaps loving our neighbor, or keeping the Sabbath day holy, or making special sacrifices). He won’t command us to do something that we are not capable of doing. He will provide a way. Nephi is an awesome example of faith to obey.


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