Thursday, January 17, 2013

1 Nephi 8

This chapter introduces a special and well-loved vision given to Lehi—it is commonly referred to as “the vision of the tree of life.” In this chapter Lehi relates his vision to his family, and in later chapters Nephi will strongly desire to know what the dream means and he will seek (and receive) answers from the Lord. For now, as you read the chapter notice the items/things/people Lehi mentions in his dream, and think about what each might represent. Then in later chapters we will get the interpretation.

Look for the:
  • Large and spacious field
  • Tree with fruit that was whiter and sweeter than anything he had ever seen or tasted (and “desirable above all other fruit”); tasting it filled his soul with joy
  • River of water
  • Rod of iron, leading to the tree
  • Straight and narrow path running next to the rod of iron
  • Fountain
  • Mist of darkness
  • Great and spacious building, high in the air and full of people who are mocking and laughing 

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