Sunday, January 1, 2017

Moroni 1-6

We've made it to Moroni -- the last book in the Book of Mormon!

Moroni didn’t expect to live as long as he did, which is why he gives his “final words” in the book of Ether. But in Moroni 1 he tells us he is still around, so he is going to write a few more things. I can’t imagine what his days were like all alone and hiding, so this probably gave him something meaningful to do to pass the time!

In Chapter 2, Moroni records how Jesus Christ gave the apostles directions for giving someone the Holy Ghost. We believe in my church that the gift of the Holy Ghost is received after baptism (which can be done at age 8 or older when the person is “accountable”), and it must be given by the “laying on of hands” (on the receiver’s head) by men who have authority from Jesus Christ, which is called the priesthood authority. This is what Jesus is teaching/demonstrating in chapter 2.

Chapter 3 contains instructions for how men should designate, or ordain, priests and teachers (which are offices, or levels, in the priesthood order).

Chapters 4 and 5 are important and well-known in the church. These are the prayers, or blessings, said on the sacrament each Sunday before it is passed around to the members of the congregation. Chapter 4 has the blessing on the bread, which represents the body of Jesus Christ, and Chapter 5 is the blessing on the wine (or we actually use water now), which represents the blood of Jesus Christ. Both of these prayers are important reminders each week to those who have been baptized in the church and made a covenant to follow Jesus Christ, because these prayers contain the terms of the covenant. Look closely to see what a person promises to God when they are baptized, and what God promises them in return.

Chapter 6 describes what is required of a person who wants to be baptized. I like these verses that describe the purpose for people going to church back in Moroni’s time, which is the same for us today:
5 And the church did meet together oft, to fast and to pray, and to speak one with another concerning the welfare of their souls. 6 And they did meet together oft to partake of bread and wine, in remembrance of the Lord Jesus.

I love going to church. That probably makes me a nerd, but I really do love it. It replenishes and energizes me. I didn’t get to go to church today because I’m home with a 9-day-old baby, and I miss it (but I love snuggling the baby, too, so it's all good!). :) 

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